The Town of La Ronge Business License Department is located at 1212 Hildebrand Dr. in La Ronge.
The mailing address is: PO Box 5680, La Ronge, SK. S0J 1L0.
The hours of operation are:
Monday to Thursday: 7:30am-4:00pm & Friday: 7:30am-12pm and 1-4:00pm.
Phone: (306) 425-2066
Fax: (306) 425-3883
Please click HERE to read the Town of La Ronge Business Bylaw.
Business License Application Form (required for ALL new businesses)
Form B - Development Permit (for Home-Based Businesses, Bed & Breakfast Operations, and Food Vendors)
Business License Renewal Form (required when there is a change of information - owner, address, phone number, business name, etc.)